The roots of the restaurant.
My Father was one of the last men to plough Puglia’s rich red earth with a horse.
Out of that first memory of his hands in the iron rich soil grew the seed of

Life growing up in Salento was all about food. Time and love went into every dish.
I cherished the one day of the year the whole family crushed the tomato crop into passata, the figs baking in the sun on the roof, the baker bringing Mamma’s dough freshly baked into bread from his wood stove, the taste of homemade orecchiette pasta made with wholemeal flour, wild asparagus collected from the roadside, wholesome legumes and the warmth of wine made from the blackest of grapes. The taste of Cucina Povera, the Kitchen of the peasant food, is wholesome, nutritious and full of flavour. It’s a style of cooking which is a deeply rooted in our history.
The past, present and the future.

Terra Rossa brings the flavours of Puglia to London.
The land in the south of Italy has been lovingly tended by farmers producing the most sun touched delicious food for generations. At Terra Rossa, we want you to eat our beautifully cooked dishes and taste the ‘Masseria life’ where time slows down enough for you to relax and enjoy the homely taste of simple cooking… and of course with a glass of Puglian wine.